
Optimize your Online Presence

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Transform Your
Marketing Operations

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Increase Your

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Your Brand`s Awarness

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Increase Your

Proof of Success

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Achieve +5X ROAS
within 3-6 months

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Partner with an agency with
100% loyalty rate
within 3-6 months

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Build & Maintain
your Brand Image

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Our Services

Our services cover all of your needs in your marketing operations. Transform your marketing operations into efficient and effective ones that will drive awareness, leads and sales
Group 617


Shape a unique and memorable identity that sets you apart

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Group 618

Online Advertising

Maximize your ROI through targeted online campaigns

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Group 619

Social Media Management

Cultivate an engaging social media presence

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Group 623

Marketing Strategy

Craft innovative & data-driven strategies for exponential growth

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Website Design & Development

Create seamless and user-centric online experiences

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Group 622

Search Engine Optimization

Rise above the digital noise with top-tier search engine optimization

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Group 621

Content Creation

Engage your audience with spectacular, compelling and value-driven content

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Group 624

Customer Experience

Design an extraordinary experience for your customers to transform casual visitors into loyal patrons

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    AI-Generated Content Label and Trial Reels on Instagram

    Instagram and Facebook (Meta) have been seeing a lot of recent changes to accommodate with the needs that are emerging as a result of AI (Artificial Intelligence) use, it is clear that these changes work in favor of users. We will briefly explain two new features: the AI-Generated Content Label and Trial Reel option on Instagram. What is the AI-Generated...
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    The Marketing Success Factors Small Business Owners Didn’t Know

    We have grown several small businesses leveraging these marketing success factors At Convert, we have successfully worked with several small businesses, transforming them from zero revenue into profitable ventures. Despite being in different industries, these businesses shared several marketing success factors in common that propelled them to a profitable growth state. What are these marketing success factors? We will outline...
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    Online Advertising Methodology

    Online advertising is more important than ever nowadays, an array of powerful tools through different channels that your business can utilize to acquire and retain customers. We will shed some light on our methodology in online advertising. Initial Stage of Online Advertising After proper analysis for the business model, context, industry, competitors, and target audience identification, we begin building our...
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    Search Engine Optimization (SEO): 8 Key Benefits

    In today’s digital age, where the vast majority of consumers turn to search engines to find information about products and services, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. But why is SEO such a big deal? What are the key benefits that make it so important? 1. Organic Search (SEO) Is a Traffic...
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    Backlinks: A Crucial Element in SEO Success

    What Are Backlinks? Backlinks, also known as inbound or external links. They are the links from one website that point to another. Imagine them as endorsements or votes of confidence from one site to another. In simple words it is external credibility. For instance, consider a scenario where Forbes, a well-respected authority in the business world, links to the Supertools...
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    Bringing more profit to life – Conversion rate optimization

    Conversion rates are one of the most important metrics for any business, but they can be notoriously difficult to improve. That’s where conversion rate optimization (CRO) comes in. CRO is the process of testing and optimizing your website or landing pages to convert more visitors into customers. CRO is not just about increasing conversion rates. It is also about improving...
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    Finding the Right Mix: Social Traffic vs. Organic Traffic

    In today’s digital age, the battle between Social Media and Organic Search for supremacy in website traffic is a topic that frequently arises. The situation is more about “both-and” rather than “either-or” when it comes to these two elements of online marketing. Understanding the Synergy: Most experts understand that it’s not a showdown between social media marketing and SEO; rather,...
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    How Can Branding & Customer Experience Make Your Business Succeed?

    As time is moving forward, competitiveness is increasing between businesses. They either compete in prices, capabilities, quality of product or service, the experience they provide to customers, or their brand image. But how can branding and customer experience play a major role in your business’ success? Branding & Customer Experience in Competition If these businesses compete in prices, one of...
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    Why B2B businesses are obliged to have SEO?

    A recent study showed that 60% of users research products and services before committing to the decision of buying, that is concerned with B2C landscape. On the other hand, from our experience in the Middle East region, we are confident to say that in the B2B landscape, if you do not have a strong social proof and presence through SEO...
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    Achieving 10X ROI is the norm – Client Case Study

    Our client Swim Jordan is a prominent Swimming Academy operating in Amman, Jordan. The competitive landscape of swimming academies and coaches is very competitive and challenging; we took an approach to penetrate the market gradually, and focus on our unique selling points to become achieving 10X ROI in the peak season of every year. We have been working with the...
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    Our Clients

    At Convert, results are not just our goal; they are our commitment. Our approach is rooted in a relentless pursuit of success for our clients